

Alex Boyko released a very popular video – Spinner from China with Aliexpress. Unpacking the parcel.
3 498 009 views, friends!! It must be an interesting and captivating video with a rich plot?

We will see.

First, Alex unpacks the parcel received from Aliexpress, accompanying this process with comments on the topic: what I see, I sing. Then Alex brings the light of enlightenment to the masses and the dark populace will learn that the spinner has three bearings on the outside and one inside under the plug.

Friends, let us bow our heads before the feat of Alex Boyko….3 498 009 people were not left in captivity of obscurantism, think about this figure. But the difficult one along the path of enlightenment is not yet over. Next, the video introduces what you can do with the spinner. And what can he do? Oh, he’s great in his hands. Oh, he can also spin on the table!
Thank you Alex, humanity should fall on its face and sprinkle clean tears of gratitude on your feet, that is, ugh, your computer monitors!

But Alex’s genius didn’t stop there. He shows humanity a cool trick…. It turns out that you can detect the rotation time of the spinner on the stopwatch… Gods, gods – the spinner is spinning! He’s spinning!!! It spins for 1 minute 55 seconds! It goes into orbit and rushes straight into space! And here he is at the moon! What speed of rotation, what scope! The stars are approaching right before our eyes! The Milky Way is somewhere behind! Galaxies shrink into black holes! What quality bearings are made in China, – Alex notes, looking at the run of a spaceship, that is, a spinner. And the truth is, they didn’t even bend

How bewitchingly the spinner blades rotate and hypnotize, hypnotize, – the selfless commentator of the masterpiece again raises his voice. 3,177,152 people clung to the monitors to appreciate the magic of the hypnotic rotation of the fidget with their own eyes… Ah! But the undying light of genius has remained in our hearts forever! Why so few likes guys?
It was fantastic…. 3 498 009 views indicate, at least, that the director has reached a new level. What plot and what video sequence: Alex Boyko’s fingers look organic and fresh against the background of the table. More videos like this! Alex Boyko, keep it up!

Floating. Stop stress.

The load on the musculoskeletal system is removed.
Floating is an easy way to relax, rejuvenate and get rid of stress, in a convenient capsule, with high-density sea water that simulates weightlessness. Floating is a safe, fast and affordable way of total relaxation.
Let’s talk about floating in the sensory deprivation chamber. Floating just in the sea/outdoor pool/water mattress is not considered floating.
In English literature, this device is called a tank. It looks like this:

Sensory deprivation chamber

Sensory deprivation chamber

Very salty water inside. For this, Epsom salt is used. You can read about the pros and therapeutic effects of this salt separately. The main thing is that now you can lie on the surface of the water without fear that your head will be under water.

Deep relaxation

Sensory deprivation cameras were developed as a result of the search for ways to pick up signals from the brain without stimuli. People, light, sound – could act as irritants. Roughly speaking, the purity of the experiment was needed. In addition, gravity acted on the vessels of the brain, and the scientists decided to soften this force by positioning the bodies of the subjects in the water. It was in 1954.

fly elephant

The brain emits theta waves, as in REM sleep

In addition to brain research, a side effect was noticed that even taking into account the fact that a person is in a closed dark space, he relaxes and does not get nervous. Moreover, during the experiments, it was possible to consciously enter an altered state of consciousness. This is the state on the verge of sleep and reality. But at the same time, without falling asleep (I will tell you about this experience, mine, at the end). Moreover, they found that this state can be controlled there.

Emotional reboot

Imagine that you are not sleeping, but that you can consciously dream. dive into the depths of consciousness and subconsciousness and easily pull out the images that you need. But at the same time you do not sleep.
The first bonus is relaxation. Floating allows you to relax your mind and body. Even if you are heavily loaded with something, after the session you will be loaded many times less.

Stop stress

Relaxation of physiology. When you are in a capsule, you clearly know where you are pinched, overstressed and skewed. You just can’t lie flat on your back if there are spasms somewhere. It will start to hurt right away, because gravity no longer presses down. And what can relax – it will begin to do so.Deprivation session relieves anxiety of various origins
If something cannot relax right away, it will be tense. H stressed parts are often balanced by other parts. And if they relaxed too, then severe discomfort will begin in the tense parts.

A state close to meditation

Floating is officially prescribed as a therapy for anxiety and depression. Indeed, when you leave the cell, you feel as peaceful as possible. Depression is thought to be caused by high levels of cortisol and ACTH (a hormone that stimulates the production of cortisol). Cortisol is a hormone that helps to survive, but it is also an anxiety hormone and in large quantities leads to anxiety. These hormones do not form ALL types of depression, but only subtypes associated with social interactions, when someone is suppressing or we feel helpless.

floating chamber

Starts the renewal of brain processes

Floating helps our cognitive abilities work differently. Better.
More efficient. Students grasp complex concepts more easily and apply new approaches.
Of course, you can use floating to memorize words, but it’s like shooting sparrows from a cannon. Floating helps to get off the ground and see more solutions, opportunities, and in general everything is different. There will be a lot of ideas after the floating course. The course is not just one session. at least 5 – 7.

Churchkhela in Georgian


It is known that the name churchkhela comes from the Megrelian words “chkhur”, which translates as “cold”, and “chkher”, which means “hot”. The name fully reflects the process of making churchkhela, when the nuts are first dipped into a hot mass, and then the chupchkhela is cooled while drying. By the way, in addition to Georgian cuisine, the recipe for churchkhela is found in the cuisines of Armenia, Ukraine, as well as in the Black Sea and Caucasian regions of Russia.


  • wheat flour – 750 g
  • peeled nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds) – 700 g
  • natural grape juice – 3 l
  • cornmeal – 250 g

Step-by-step recipe for cooking churchkhela

  1. Roast the nuts in a dry frying pan for 3-4 minutes. Cool slightly. Peel hazelnuts and almonds by rubbing the kernels between the palms. Chop walnuts into large pieces.
  2. Using a thick needle, string the nuts (2/3 of the length of the thread) onto several strong threads 45 cm long. Make a large knot at the end. Tie the workpieces in pairs by the free ends and hang them on a wide crossbar.
  3. Prepare grape jelly. Pour the juice into a saucepan, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Pour 1 liter of juice into a bowl and let cool. Boil the remaining juice for another 10 minutes.
  4. Pour corn and wheat flour into a bowl with chilled juice and stir thoroughly until the lumps are completely dissolved.
  5. Gradually, stirring, pour the resulting slurry into the boiling juice. Cook for about 25 minutes, until the consistency of thick porridge.
  6. Place a tray under the crossbar with blanks. Dip each blank in grape jelly and hang on the crossbar. When all the threads with nuts are doused with jelly and dry a little, repeat the procedure. Place the crossbar with “raw” churchkhela in a well-ventilated room for 2 weeks. Store the finished churchkhela, wrapped in parchment, in a dark place.

Churchkhela is a delicacy of Georgian cuisine. It exists under other names in neighboring countries, Armenia and Azerbaijan. According to legend, churchkhela was originally a “warrior’s food”, it could be stored for as long as you like at any temperature, which was important in turbulent times.