This is a beautiful and famous Chinese folk song composed by Zhang Jin-yi. From the video, it looks like a singer who is a counter tenor singing with falsetto. He is 90% accurate in the Mandarin pronunciation. Any song lover should compare this with other real Tibetan singers video posted on Youtube.
This is a beautiful and famous Chinese folk song composed by Zhang Jin-yi. From the video, it looks like a singer who is a counter tenor singing with falsetto. He is 90% accurate in the Mandarin pronunciation. Any song lover should compare this with other real Tibetan singers video posted on Youtube. They are listed under the Chinese title : 谭晶 青藏高原
watch this video on youtube
我覺得不只是高不高音的問題 能唱到如此高音有何難 有些歌手都可以 但是他的聲音實在是太美太自然了 像呼吸一樣簡單 真的是來自天上的聲音阿?
嚴夏 就是就是,不是越高越好的,之前好像看到一個視頻實驗過一些結果。記得是大多人能夠做到這個頻率(好像是這個音高)之類的,但是一般來說嘴巴不夠維持那個發射振波的能量還是什麼的,拿個工具來試才有可能做出那樣的振動吧
Офигенно, но запись старовата и по качеству не дотягивает.