Bra overview

In fact, the content will not be shown. It’s a pity. The girl demonstrates a funny combination of sizes of priests and breasts. Watch and enjoy.

The ten bra rule – how to buy a bra

  1. The first two models from different manufacturers – with the size that came out as a result of measurements on a centimeter tape. In our example, this is 75 B.
  2. The second pair from different manufacturers – c size, smaller in the belt, but larger in the cup. In our example, this will be 70 C.
  3. The third pair from different manufacturers – with a size reduced in the belt. In our example, this will be 70 B.
  4. The fourth pair from different manufacturers – with the size increased in the cup. In our example, this will be 75 C.
  5. The fifth pair from different manufacturers – with a size increased both in the belt and in the cup. In our example, this will be 80 C.

You successively try on bras, focusing on the mirror, and check with the “perfect fit list” that I give below. You need to remember and understand which of the five combinations worked best for you and why. For example, if in the first combination the Chantelle bra was too small for you, your breasts fell out of it, and the same story happened with Triumph, and in the second combination you became more comfortable in Triumph, but it was still not enough in Chantelle, then additionally try another bra from Chantelle for another cup more.

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