Love dance australian parrots. Zoo Australia has released another cute video. Two adorable multi-colored parrots are jumping around the cage amicably and merrily, and you can hear from the sound row that there is no musical accompaniment. The amazing coherence and rhythm of jumping of a pair of birds suggests hip-hop, as if parrots really went out to dance somewhere on the dance floor)) Apparently, they have a great mood, and everyone knows that when they are happy, they want to sing and dance. Not so far in terms of the depth of emotional reaction, the person left the birds)) And besides, love is definitely in the pair – they gently touch each other with their beaks and chase the third one who dares to land at the feeder. The video is very short – only 13 seconds and it has undeservedly little views … Such wonderful romantic scenes of relationships that cause a smile and tears at the same time should be more popular. Love dance australian parrots.
Love dance australian parrots
Such wonderful romantic scenes of relationships that cause a smile and tears at the same time should be more popular.